Organizing Committee
Dr S.Joseph Antony is an Associate Professor at the Institute of Particle Science and Engineering, School of Chemical and Process Engineering, University of Leeds, U.K.His research expertise is in the area of nano and micromechanics, multi-scale modelling and experimental mechanics of materials in both discrete and continuum form. Joseph has published over 100 papers in several reputed international journals and conference proceedings.He actively participates in the activities of particle technology community in U.K and abroad. He holds membership in several international professional bodies and serves in technical committees in his area of research. Currently, he serves as a member of peer reviewers in his area of research for several international journals. He is the lead editor of the book on Advances in Granular Materials: Fundamentals and Applications, published by the Royal Society of Chemistry, London (2004). He has won many awards, including the prestigious M.I.T Young Research Fellowship for Exemplary Research in Computational Mechanics and the Certificate of Merit as an Example of Outstanding Achievements in U.K Particle Science and Technology in 2002, PTSG, IChemE, U.K, He has served as a guest editor for the Jl. Granular Matter and the lead editor of the book ‘Granular Materials: Fundamentals and Applications’, published by the Royal Society of Chemistry, London in 2004. Presently Joseph serves as an editorial board member of several journals in the area of Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology. His research sponsors include EPSRC, Royal Society, DTI, ICI, BNFL, P&G, Pfizer, Borax Hosakawa Micron, Bridon International Ltd, Merck Sharp & Dohme and DuPont (U.K).
Research Interest
Nanoparticles, Nanotechnology
Dr. Solhe F. Alshahateet is Associate Professor of Organic and Supramolecular Chemistry graduated in 2003 from the University of New South Wales / Australia. He works at Mutah University since 2007. Currently, he is on sabbatical leave at Faculty of Pharmacy, Aqaba University of Technology (Jordan). He received many awards such as Australian Research Council and Jordanian Ministry of Higher Education scholarships. He was engaged in many projects from local and international funding agencies. Dr. Alshahateet attended many conferences worldwide. He published more than 70 articles mostly in international journals dealing with crystal engineering and supramolecular chemistry involving industrial applications. In addition, he is working as a referee and editorial board member for many international specialized journals. Highlights of his research have been in the area of synthesis and characterization of semiconducting materials, organic materials for and industrial applications (functional materials) such as pharmaceutical industry. After completing his PhD (2002) at the UNSW, he undertook research in new synthesis chemistry as a Research Fellow at UNSW for about one year. Since then he had undertaken research into synthesis of new organic materials at the Institute of Chemical and Engineering Sciences ICES, Singapore. He had research visitor appointments at the University of New South Wales (Australia) and at the University of South Florida (USA).
Research Interest
 Heterocyclic chemistry; synthesis and applications  Polymorphism, salts, co-crystals, hydrates and solvates of pharmaceutical solids  Design and develop crystalline molecular complexes of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs)  Design, synthesis and supramolecularity of new hosts and co-crystal formers  Experience in the area of physical organic chemistry such as adsorption of organic functionalities and heavy metals on synthesized organic surfaces; kinetic, thermodynamic; environmental studies and applications.  Drugs reformulation  Chemical X-ray Crystallography  Synthesis and structure of new organic inclusion compounds (host-guest chemistry)  Solvent free synthesis (Green Chemistry)
Professor Somasundaran received his M.S. and Ph.D. from the University of California at Berkeley and his Bachelor of Engineering from the Indian Institute of Science in 1961. Before joining Columbia University, he worked for the International Minerals and Chemical Corporation and Reynolds Industries. He was appointed the first La von Duddleson Krumb Professor in the Columbia University School of Engineering and Applied Science, and the first Director of the Langmuir Center for Colloids & Interfaces and founding director of the National Science Foundation Industry/University Cooperative Center for Advanced Studies in Novel Surfactants. He was also elected Chairman of the Henry Krumb School at Columbia University, as Chair of Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Material Science & Mineral Engineering in 1992 and 1995. He was inducted in l985 into the National Academy of Engineering, among the highest professional distinction that can be conferred to an engineer and later to the Chinese, Indian and Russian National Academies. He is the recipient of the Antoine M. Gaudin Award (1982), the Robert H. Richards Award (l987), the Arthur F. Taggart Award for best paper (1987) of AIME, "Most Distinguished Achievement in Engineering" award from AINA among others. In addition, he was awarded the "Ellis Island Medal of Honor" in 1990, along with such recipients as President George Bush, four former Presidents, U.N. Ambassador Thomas Pickering and Danny Thomas, the Leadership citation from the New Jersey Senate in 1991 and the Engineering Foundation's 1992 Frank F. Aplan Award. He has been honored in many countries. He was appointed as an Honorary Professor at the Central University of Technology of China, 1988-1993, and an Honorary Research Advisor at the Beijing Research Institute of Mining & Metallurgy, Beijing, China, in 1991 and a Plenary Lecturer at many International conferences. He is the author/editor of fifteen books and of over 700 scientific publications and patents. He is the honorary editor-in-chief of the international journal "Colloids and Surfaces". He has served on many international, national and professional committees and National Research Council and University external panels and National Science Foundation Advisory Committees. He was the Chairman of the Board of the Engineering Foundation (1993-95) and currently on the board of the new United Engineering Foundation. He currently serves on the Piermont Board of Appeals and previously in the Planning board.. His research interests are surface and colloid chemistry of minerals, materials and microbes, molecular interactions at surfaces using advanced spectroscopy, polymer and surfactant adsorption, flocculation/dispersion, biosurface phenomena, environmental engineering (waste treatment), enhanced recovery of oil and coal cleaning.
Research Interest
Sustainable underground resource recovery: fundamental and applied research, greenness index, new reagents, new recovery technologies for oil, gas, and rare-earth elements
Kian Ping Loh is currently Provost’s Chair Professor in NUS and a well-known figure in the field of graphene and 2D materials research. Loh KP's team developed a strategy for the large area growth and transfer of graphene on silicon wafer (Nature 2014), a new strategy for the synthesis of graphene quantum dots from bucky balls (published in Nature Nanotechnology); fabricated the first broadband graphene polarizer (published in Nature Photonics); developed an industrially scalable strategy to process solution processed graphene for green catalysis, leading to a spin-off company. His awards include the President’s Science Award in 2014, the University Outstanding Researcher award in 2012, University’s Young Scientist award in 2008, American Chemical Society Nano Lectureship award in 2013. He is also head of the 2D materials group in Centre for Advanced 2D Materials, NUS also a co-director of the Shenzhen-NUS Joint Collaborative Innovation Center for Optoelectronic Science & Technology. He is currently the associate editor of the ACS journal Chemistry of Materials.
Research Interest
He research interest is Nano materials and Surface Chemistry