Andrey L Stepanov
Kazan Federal University, Russia
A Stepanov is with Kazan Physical-Technical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences since 1992. During 1997-1999, he was a Research Fellow at the Sussex University, UK (the Royal Society/NATO). From 1999 to 2003, he was a Research Fellow of the RWTH in Germany (the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation). During 2003-2004, he was granted Lise Meitner Fellowship (Austrian Scientific Society) in Karl-Franzens-University in Graz. From 2004 to 2011, he was a Research Fellow in Laser Zentrum Hannover in Germany (DAAD, DFG and the AvH). In 2013, he was granted the National Scholarship of the Slovak Republic.
Abstract : Surface periodic micro-nanosctructuring of diamond by boron and silver ion implantation